quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

Message to myself

People to me, an emotional wall
Their ears outcasts, when I call
Like a ship, on the long lost night send signals
That no one never answers
My cellular a rainbow of undailed numbers
Energy, space in time, for touch it hungers
Like an Island can’t speak to no one
In the endless void, feelings gone astray
So I’ll sent a message to myself
For no to feel so blue
My silent cry for help, that no one will ever hear
My electronic message bottle, in an ocean of distant people
Like waves they wave upon a social shore
Cast way because I don’t speak their social language
Footballs, like to watch not to talk
Soap operas, not my televise walk
Are there for a while, when they don’t need you they show you the door
I send a text to myself, to keep the last grains of sanity
For not be swept way be a tornado of solitude
Don’t turn around and, realize that nothings present
In flesh, emotion, and warm, nothings absent
If not the echo of my voice
The demise of my choice
I sent a message for myself, my electronic tear
Gives me the warm, that someone’s near
People like islands, close yet far
They raise a collar reef, when I walk
Collar reef, grey, pale like indifference
They wind mistrust, when I talk
Mistrust upon void, disrupting the sense of my spoken
Upon senseless mockery that reduces them, to near shadows
In silence, my answer
They’re words, breather watch a star
Lighted and eternal, clear and pure
Of humans thought’s pollution
So I send a message to myself, cause in me I always be
Others, like waves may come and go, carried be an interest’s sea
But only ho’s heart warm, like the sun will return
Be I on earth, or in Saturn
So I send a message to myself, my symbolic protest
In this nail path road, where it’s my test
For a place in a world to find, everyday quest
My symbolic protest, against these world narrow notions
That fleshed the eyes, in the target of search
Upon luxury, their hearts church
Beauty vanishes, upon the cruel webs of time
Web that traps and slowly decays, upon life crime
So I send a message to myself, a proof of my insane sanity
That bead me away, of the convenience theater, that mankind performs
In a stage that its reality, upon cynicism acts
That cracked faked smiles, stabbing people with a tongue like knife
So I message myself, upon whatever it means
In the social games
So I Message myself, away from hypocrisy

28 – 04 – 2011


Vivo nos céus
Mas lá não moro
A porta do paraíso
Ando de um lado para o outro, a velocidade de um riso
Com velocidade oro
Vendo inocentes, vendo réus
Agora estou em Pequim, em duas horas estou em Moscovo
Depois em recreio vou ao Kosovo
Alem das fronteiras da divisão humana
É o vento é o vento
A trova do momento
Que no silêncio acutilante os teus dentes faz bailar
Na gélida noite, onde no frio lago a tua mente vai nadar
As decrépitas folhas de árvores, o tempo faço saudar
Ao ritmo do clima, na etérea dança das estações
Livremente caminha, no céu eterno
Exalto as ondas
Movo moinhos
No verão, sou uma brisa
Que o calor da tua face alisa
Sou a tua respiração, que as tuas células refresca
No inverno sou tramado, frio e gélido
Que a constipação em ti pesca
Se agasalhado não tiveres
Sou o Vento, o futuro
As turbinas do progresso faço girar
Para do metal vazio electricidade voar
E o petróleo aquietar
Sou o Vento
Teu amigo travesso
Ora inocente, ora traquinas
De saias levantadas, guardas chuvas levados, minhas humorísticas iguarias
Sou jovem, nunca velho rejuvenescendo pela acção do sol
Do fétido calor trago as nuvens
Para te tapar, para fazer chover
Para de sede, a terra não morrer
Civilizado vadio
Responsável brincalhão
Na água calor e nevão
Nos céus vivo, contigo brinco
Edgar Teles
25 – 05 – 2011

terça-feira, 29 de março de 2011

Bleeding Truth

In blood like ink I write, what’s upon my soul
I bleed upon paper, what’s deep in my mind
Cutting myself in knife like tears
For start I have to cross, to win over myself
Break my own fears
They imprison my will, upon what that will bring
About what tune chance to me will sing
Round and round, circling my mind
Slowing my action, upon a cause effect
So my egger mind with emotional pain writes
Upon my life, feel, and do all I select
Like blood, what I write
Post upon the paper, what I dare not to talk
Upon what I did, went and walk
Blushed in shame as another word I write
Rushed in blame, from the memories strike
I post another word, emptying inside
As I face with what I do, I bleed out my pride
I die in pain, as my heart I take
From my spiritual chest, and in paper make
I chook in air, nervously waiting, o ever read it cast me the first stone
In my red blood
Blood as truth
Blood as difficult it his, to face the true
And it’s more easy, to let lie glue
But there is a moment, somewhere in time
That you cannot hide your crime
All your did and mischief
A place within your brain, from where you can deny
It stalks you in your dreams
The shadow that it awakes in your imagination
It’s the substance that brings the nightmares
It’s the melody of you invisible scream
When to look in the light, nobody dares
It torments you till you gain
Courage within your brain
And you take it, from you
Yet in my inner battle, that bleeds my emotions inside
Eagerly slowly I peace, I start to find
Like I was realize of a mountain like weight, that crushed my soul
Grey and disgustful, tasting like cool
And as I write, no more pain in me
I’m free cause the truth I spoken

Edgar Teles 01 – 02 – 2011